No-Header Key NS Nutrients

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What do these key nutrients do?


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No-Header Key NS Nutrients NutriShield Multi Vitamins and Minerals Omega 3 fish oil is a powerful anti-inflammatory nutrient.That’s important because the latest medical research shows that ‘chronic sub-clinical inflammation’ is a central cause of age related threats.

New Scientist in 2015 confirms this type of internal inflammation is involved in: “… muscle wasting and glaucoma, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, osteoporosis and arthritis, heart failure and high blood pressure, cancers, and lung, liver and kidney and skin disorders.”

No-Header Key NS Nutrients NutriShield Multi Vitamins and Minerals Vitamin D3. Low Vitamin D status, which is common, is linked to high blood pressure, chronic fatigue, a 50% increase in heart attack risk, dementia, prostate cancer and Type 2 diabetes.

Vitamin D, of course, encourages calcium uptake to promote strong and healthy bones, but is also a vital element in a healthy immune system. The Nurses’ Health Study at Harvard University revealed that women who had the highest intake of vitamin D reduced their risk of developing breast cancer by almost 50%. It is difficult to get adequate Vitamin D from food alone.

D3 is the natural, more biologically active, form that is produced in reaction to sunlight and research shows it is more effective than the synthetic vitamin D2

No-Header Key NS Nutrients NutriShield Multi Vitamins and Minerals Curcumin. A meta-survey on curcumin published by the US National Institutes of Health shows its “… safety and efficacy against numerous diseases in humans … including promising effects in patients with various pro-inflammatory diseases including cancer, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, Crohn’s disease, gastric inflammation, atherosclerosis, diabetes, renal conditions and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.”
No-Header Key NS Nutrients NutriShield Multi Vitamins and Minerals Polyphenols. These anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory micro-nutrients are derived from fruits and vegetables. Some are known to be important in gene expression – ‘turning off’ genes that promote disease and ‘turning on’ health protective genes. Some powerful polyphenols are the catechins in green tea and the procyanidins in grapeseed.
No-Header Key NS Nutrients NutriShield Multi Vitamins and Minerals Lycopene is the compound that makes tomatoes red and recent research published in Harvard Health shows a probable role in reducing the risk of breast, prostate and bladder cancer – and possibly stroke.
No-Header Key NS Nutrients NutriShield Multi Vitamins and Minerals Lutein (like lycopene) is an anti-oxidant carotenoid which may also have anti-cancer properties, along with a well-researched role in protecting vision.
No-Header Key NS Nutrients NutriShield Multi Vitamins and Minerals CoQ10 is used by the mitochondria – the ‘power plants’ in each cell – to make energy. Natural levels fall as we get older.
No-Header Key NS Nutrients NutriShield Multi Vitamins and Minerals Betaine, along with folic acid, has been shown to reduce blood levels of homocysteine. That’s important because raised levels of homocysteine are strongly related to increased heart attack risk.
No-Header Key NS Nutrients NutriShield Multi Vitamins and Minerals Vitamin K is essential in the uptake of calcium for healthy bones. But that same function means it also helps prevent the unwanted calcification of soft tissue such as arteries. That’s why optimum levels of vitamin K, particularly the K2 form, are associated with a lower risk of heart problems.
No-Header Key NS Nutrients NutriShield Multi Vitamins and Minerals Vitamin E is a potent anti-oxidant – it helps counteract the damage to cells caused when oxygen reacts with fats to produce unstable free radicals. For this reason there is evidence that vitamin E can help protect artery walls and brain cells. Vitamin E benefits the skin by helping it to retain moisture. It works synergistically with vitamin C. It is an important nutrient in a well functioning immune system.

Vitamin E is the generic name for tocopherols which in nature come in 4 forms – alpha, beta, gamma and delta. Nutrishield includes all 4 forms, which most supplements do not.

No-Header Key NS Nutrients NutriShield Multi Vitamins and Minerals Genistein is a soy isoflavone. Scientists have linked the fact that levels of cancer in Asia – and especially in Asian women – are considerably lower than in the West due to Asia’s much higher soy consumption. They subsequently have identified genistein as the compound in soy that is likely to be exerting this effect.
No-Header Key NS Nutrients NutriShield Multi Vitamins and Minerals All other essential vitamins and minerals at significantly more than the RDA (Recommended Daily Amount) where research indicates that this will be more effective – such as vitamins C, B6, B12 and vitamin E.
Finally, the effectiveness of nutritional supplementation depends hugely on a proper formulation where the amounts, the most bioactive forms and the synergistic effects are optimised. For example, lycopene, lutein and curcumin are all best absorbed in the presence of fats – hence their high bio-availability in NutriShield due to the presence of Omega 3 oil.

The combination of all the nutrients is designed – allied to a sensible diet and exercise – to provide all-round health protection.



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