Blood Pressure and Cholesterol tests
High blood pressure increases the risk of heart attack, stroke and other diseases. Any time you go in to the doctor's, your blood pressure should be taken, and you should get a cholesterol check every 2 years. You may be at greater risk if you have diabetes or a large waist measurement.
Bone Density test
Taking certain medications (like steroids) may speed bone loss, and certain medical conditions like diabetes, IBS and asthma can also compromise bone density. Ask your doctor if you are concerned about osteoporosis, especially if it runs in your family.
Bowel (colorectal) cancer screening
As long as they are caught early, 90% of colorectal cancers can be cured. A one-off NHS bowel scope screening is offered to men at 55. Between 60 and 74 you’ll be offered a home testing kit every two years. Over 75 you can call any time for a free home test kit.
Diabetes screening
After 50 your risk for type 2 diabetes can increase – and especially if you are overweight. Your doctor can screen your risk by testing your levels of haemoglobin A1C (a blood test that reflects your average blood glucose levels over the last 3 months) and/or your blood glucose levels via a fasting plasma glucose test.
Eye tests
You should have your eyes examined every 1 to 2 years. Opticians check for more than how good your vision is – like signs of glaucoma or diabetes.
Prostate Cancer
A simple blood test called the PSA (prostate-specific antigen) test can find early prostate cancer. Consult your doctor to understand the risks and benefits of the test.
Afro-Caribbean men have a higher risk for prostate cancer at a younger age and should start talking to their doctor about the test when they are in their 40s.
Skin check
Anyone at any age can develop skin cancer. Ask your GP for a skin check every 1-2 years to screen for new or changed moles or marks.
The British Association of Dermatologists has a useful checklist using the letters ABCDE when looking at skin moles:
∅ Asymmetry - the two halves of the area may differ in shape
∅ Border - the edges of the area may be irregular or blurred, and sometimes show notches
∅ Colour - this may be uneven. Different shades of black, brown and pink may be seen
∅ Diameter - most melanomas are at least 6mm in diameter (from side to side). Report any change in size, shape or diameter to your doctor
∅ Evolving - changing in size, shape, or colour
Dental check-ups
Visit your dentist for preventive check-ups and routine cleaning by a hygienist. There is a direct, if unexpected, connection between gum disease and heart disease.
Flu and covid vaccines
Flu and covid shots are especially important if you have medical conditions that put you at risk of complications from these infectious diseases. The efficacy of the vaccines improves every year.
Overseas travel
Always check the recommended vaccinations for far-flung destinations. A multi-strain probiotic like Microbiotic Plus can help prevent stomach upsets in locations with very different food cultures.