Nutritional supplements


Build resistance to stay healthy and age more slowly

Adds nutrients with a big impact on health and longevity

You already try to eat a healthy diet. But recent advice, including from Imperial College, London and the American Cancer Society, recommends –

Oily fish 2-3 times a week
10 portions a day of fruits and vegetables

That level of nutrition is highly health-protective. But for most people it’s an ideal rather than a realistic prospect.

Nutritional supplements NutriShield Multi Vitamins and Minerals

We developed NutriShield nutritional supplement because it helps fill in the gap between the ideal and realistic. It contains highly concentrated, protective plant extracts, Omega 3 fish oil, optimum levels of vitamins and minerals – and much more – combining the best of the Mediterranean and Japanese diets.

NutriShield nutritional supplement can improve your energy levels and well-being.

Vitamins, Minerals, Omega 3, CoQ10, Curcumin, Concentrated Plant Nutrients—and More

NutriShield nutritional supplements obviously include a full range of essential vitamins and minerals – but they are at optimised, not just RDA levels. PLUS …

Nutritional supplements NutriShield Multi Vitamins and Minerals Concentrated plant extracts like the polyphenols and carotenoids green tea, grapeseed, bilberry, curcumin, lycopene and lutein. That’s because the health benefits of fruits and vegetables are due not just to their vitamin and mineral content, but also to their other important natural compounds including polyphenols and carotenoids.

Nutritional supplements NutriShield Multi Vitamins and Minerals 800 IU of natural Vitamin D3, the sunshine vitamin, for its role in immune function and strong bones.

Nutritional supplements NutriShield Multi Vitamins and Minerals Q10 (CoQ10) and Betaine for their heart health support

Nutritional supplements NutriShield Multi Vitamins and Minerals High-strength Omega 3 fish oil combined with marine polyphenols for brain, eye and joint health

Nutritional supplements NutriShield Multi Vitamins and Minerals Glucosamine and Vitamin K2 for their role in joint health

In all, NutriShield Premium supplies 43 high quality nutrients, making it a heart, brain, skin, joint, eye and energy nutritional supplement all in one.

It’s a daily baseline of highly concentrated nutrition, which helps you reproduce the level and range of nutrients found in the diets of the world’s healthiest people.

Read the free introductory report to Health Defence online here

Nutritional supplements NutriShield Multi Vitamins and Minerals

Dr Paul Clayton – Former President of the Forum on Food and Health at the Royal Society of Medicine

NutriShield was designed by Dr Paul Clayton who has spent 35 years researching nutrition and the diets of the world’s healthiest, longest-lived people. It is these findings, published in the best-selling book Health Defence, on which NutriShield nutritional supplements are based.

Now in 2020, the book Delay Ageing by Colin Rose reveals the latest scientific and medical research that confirms biological ageing really can be delayed in order to increase substantially the years we stay physically and mentally well. Optimum nutrition is at the heart of this revelation.

You can read introductions to both books online by clicking on the covers now.

Whilst a well-balanced diet is always your first priority, NutriShield will supplement that with a comprehensive range of nutrients that have the biggest impact on health and longevity.

There are two versions of NutriShield nutritional supplement – for under and over 50s.

Read the free introduction to Delay Ageing online here

Nutritional supplements NutriShield Multi Vitamins and Minerals

Colin Rose - Senior Associate of the Royal Society of Medicine and Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. He edited Health Defence and Delay Ageing is his tenth book.


Nutritional supplements NutriShield Multi Vitamins and Minerals

NutriShield Essentials gives you THREE highly concentrated supplements for health, energy and vitality. Helping put back what the stress of today’s life takes out.

-1-   14 essential Vitamins and 9 Minerals at optimum, not just minimum RDAs

-2-  Concentrated Plant Extracts Curcumin, Green Tea, Grapeseed, Seaweed, Black Pepper and Bilberry

-3-  Omega 3 as fish oil or vegan flaxseed oil


Nutritional supplements NutriShield Multi Vitamins and Minerals

As you get older, the need for protective nutrients increases. So NutriShield Premium adds THREE EXTRA high potency supplements, making SIX in total in a daypack sachet.

-1-   14 essential Vitamins and 9 Minerals at optimum, not just minimum RDAs

-2-  Concentrated Plant Extracts Curcumin, Green Tea, Grapeseed, Seaweed, Black Pepper and Bilberry

-3-  Omega 3 as fish oil

-4-  Extra Vitamin E as mixed tocopherols + Carotenoids including Beta Carotene, Lutein, Lycopene + CoEnzyme Q10

-5-  Betaine

-6-  Glucosamine + Soy Isoflavones genistein, daidzein and glycitin

Nutritional supplements NutriShield Multi Vitamins and MineralsWhy nutritional needs increase with age – the 3 extra capsules in NutriShield Premium

The average person is living longer – but they will live their last decade or more with some level of health disability and dependency. It doesn’t have to be like that.

Your body makes over 50 billion replacement cells every day! Each cell needs high quality nutrition, otherwise errors can creep in and multiply, which are at the heart of ageing and ‘age related’ diseases.

So biological ageing is not simply due to the passing of the years, but to the fact that inflammation builds up in body tissues, DNA and mitochondria are damaged by free radical action, cell regeneration is less efficient, and the immune system is weaker.

The secret to staying healthy, living longer and ageing more slowly is to reduce, limit or even prevent these threats.

That’s why we include such an extensive range of protective nutrients. So NutriShield Premium nutritional supplement is a heart, brain, skin, joint and eye supplement all in one. It’s also why we include optimum levels of vitamins and minerals, rather than just the RDAs.

You can see evidence of NutriShield’s effectiveness in independent tests here.

Nutritional supplements NutriShield Multi Vitamins and MineralsWhat would you have to eat to get all the nutrients in NutriShield?

NutriShield’s unique combination of nutrients has proven anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and positive cell-health effects. To get all these nutrients day after day from food alone, and in amounts that make a difference, is really difficult, even for the most health-conscious person.

Open the box below to find out what you would need to eat EVERY DAY to get the range and levels of nutrients in each daypack of NutriShield Premium nutritional supplement.

Why nutritional needs have increased – even for young people

We live with more stress, eating on the go, growing levels of city air pollution and the lower nutritional content of many everyday foods.

At the same time, our lifestyle has become more sedentary. That means the average person is consuming significantly fewer calories than even a few decades ago. Less food means less nutrition.

The extra demands of modern-day life call for a nutritional supplement with far more protective nutrients than a simple one-a-day pill can give you.

Watch a short video on why young people need NutriShield Essentials nutritional supplements.

Convenient and expertly balanced combination supplements for older people

When you choose NutriShield Premium, you have the security of knowing that Dr Paul Clayton’s formulation balances all the correct nutrients at optimised levels in order to have the maximum health benefit.

Nutritional supplements NutriShield Multi Vitamins and Minerals

And instead of having to buy multiple bottles of nutritional supplements, everything you need is in one convenient pack.

Finally, we are discovering that certain nutrients, like betaine, lycopene, vitamin D2 and curcumin, are involved in switching ‘good’ genes on and switching off genes that can have a damaging effect.

That’s why these are included in NutriShield Premium too, making it a truly comprehensive nutritional health supplement.

Good health is a lifestyle issue

Via our Health Library and e-news and regular social media posts, we support you with articles and advice on all aspects of healthy living. Click to go to the Health Library now.

Click on the picture to go to the library now.

Nutritional supplements NutriShield Multi Vitamins and Minerals

Try now with our money-back guarantee

Nutritional supplements NutriShield Multi Vitamins and Minerals

We have been in business for over 30 years but this may be the first time you have dealt with us.

If, for any reason whatsoever, NutriShield does not live up to your fullest expectations, simply call or email us, and we will give you an immediate full refund, including postage.

You need not even return unused supplements.


35 multivitamins and other nutrients

3 supplement caplets

1 convenient recyclable pack

50 health benefits

see the formula and how each nutrient can help improve your diet and health here


50 multivitamins and other nutrients

6 supplement caplets

30 convenient daypack sachets

50+ health benefits

see the formula and how each nutrient can help improve your diet and health here

Nutritional supplements NutriShield Multi Vitamins and Minerals

“Has had a dramatic difference on my health and well being.”✱ Stockbroker aged 41-50

“Nutrishield is an excellent product which keeps me healthy and prevents diseases associated with old age.”✱ Retired Teacher aged 71-80

“I trust this product and feel sure that it is a positive contribution to my general health.”✱ Retired Psychotherapist aged 71-80

✱ Disclaimer: These are individual views expressed by the contributors in a survey and not by Uni-Vite Healthcare. Opinions and results may vary from person to person.