Slowing the ageing process

Your chronological age and your biological age are not necessarily the same.

Some people age faster than their calendar years – others age more slowly. They look and act more youthfully. And there’s a scientific reason, which was explored at a recent conference I chaired in London.

Given the right nutrition and lifestyle, our bodies have amazing powers of self-healing and regeneration.

The natural process of wear and tear
Almost every cell and tissue in your body breaks down and is replaced on a regular basis. Bone is re-absorbed into the body and then renewed, cartilage in joints experiences wear and tear but is renewed, membranes of nerve and other cells are broken down and replaced. This natural process of wear and repair is going on all the time in your more than 60 trillion cells.

The first 20 years – growth in cells exceeds breakdown
In approximately the first 20 years of life, rates of tissue-building greatly outstrip the rate of tissue breakdown, and we grow physically in size. This is known as ‘anabolic dominance’.

Between 20 and 50 – balanced wear and repair
Then comes a period – typically the third and fourth decades of life – where the processes of breakdown and repair are more or less in balance. There is little apparent change, but under the surface tissues and organs are constantly renewing themselves.

Over 50 – wear starts to exceed repair
Finally there comes a period when wear exceeds repair – a condition known as ‘catabolic dominance’. Arteries begin to fur up, bones get weaker, cartilage thins, brain and other cells start to malfunction. Symptoms of degenerative disease appear and we begin to age – sometimes rapidly.

The expected pattern of ageing
Slowing the ageing process NutriShield Multi Vitamins and Minerals The first illustration shows what we have come to expect as inevitable.

But it doesn’t have to be like that .

Catabolic factors come to dominate because, as we age, too many people become ever-more depleted in the nutrients needed for tissue repair, and also in the nutrients needed to slow tissue decay.

The potential pattern of ageing
Sub-optimal nutrition allows the forces of wear to exceed the forces of repair (leading directly to catabolic dominance).

By supporting your body’s own natural powers of self healing through optimum nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, you should extend the period where wear and tear are in balance.

That reduces the risk of disease, and you should stay healthy longer and age more slowly. This second illustration summarises the objective.

Slowing the ageing process NutriShield Multi Vitamins and Minerals

But how can this be achieved? First, cut the risk of degenerative disease; second, provide the body with optimum – not just adequate – nutrition.

The main threats to health are known. And nutrition can reduce the risk of them occurring. Statistically, the leading risks to health are the degenerative diseases such as heart disease/stroke, cancer, hypertension and dementia – all of which are made more likely if diabetes is present. The viral and contagious diseases like pneumonia and influenza are also a threat.

Cut the risk of these, and logically you can increase your chance of living a longer, healthier life.

Of course, genetic factors influence longevity and the likelihood of disease , but whatever your genetic inheritance, there is strong evidence that your risk can be cut through diet, nutrition and lifestyle.

The four main causes of degenerative disease
Although the main degenerative diseases seem very different, they share some surprisingly similar underlying causes. In fact, the latest research indicates that just four main factors underlie most health problems, and a good diet supplemented by the right nutrients at the right levels can help protect against each one.

Protection from a good diet
A ‘good diet’ can be defined as the so-called Mediterranean Diet, with olive oil as the principal fat, lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grain bread and cereals, beans and lentils, nuts and seeds, moderate amounts of oily fish and eggs, up to two glasses of red wine a day and limited red meat. This diet is also a Low GL (Glycaemic Load) Diet.

[Note: GI (Glycaemic Index) refers to the rate at which the intake of a particular food raises blood sugar. GL(Glycaemic Load) is a better measure as it takes into consideration not just the GI of a food, but also the amount eaten in a complete meal. Thus a food may have a very high GI, like potato, but if you only eat a very small amount, that particular intake may have little effect on blood sugar levels.]

The four main causes of degenerative disease
Slowing the ageing process NutriShield Multi Vitamins and Minerals

Free radical damage
Free radicals are unstable elements in the body that can be produced through metabolic actions involving oxygen, and by stress and pollution.

Excess free radicals are damaging to body cells and are thought to be a prime cause of ageing. They can damage artery linings and therefore become a causative factor in heart disease, and they can damage DNA to become a factor in cancer. They are implicated in Alzheimer’s.

You can actually see free radical damage when oxygen in the air reacts with fat to oxidate it – turning it rancid. Or when the surface of an apple becomes oxidated and turns brown.

Anti -oxidants counter the effect of oxidation -free radical action. This is why vitamin E protects against rancidity in fats and vitamin C stops an apple going brown.

Slowing the ageing process NutriShield Multi Vitamins and Minerals Dietary Defence
Antioxidants can help protect you against free radical damage.Powerful antioxidants include vitamin E, (preferably in the form of mixed tocopherols), beta carotene and vitamin C, flavonoids (in fruits and vegetables and green tea extract), lycopene (extracted from tomatoes), lutein, Co-Enzyme Q10, and antioxidant mineral co-factors like selenium, copper, manganese and zinc. NOTE
High homocysteine levels in the blood are also associated with heart disease risk.

The B group vitamins B12, folic acid and the nutrient betaine help lower homocysteine levels

Slowing the ageing process NutriShield Multi Vitamins and Minerals

Inflammation is involved in arthritis, in heart disease (where the lining of the arteries becomes inflamed), in some cancers (especially of the bowel and colon), in asthma, in diabetes, and in Alzheimer’s.

Slowing the ageing process NutriShield Multi Vitamins and Minerals Dietary Defence
Anti-inflammatory nutrients include flavonoids from fruits and vegetables (some of the most potent being the curcuminoids from turmeric, the yellow spice in curry), Omega 3 oils, pre-biotics and pro-biotics, isoflavones (from soy).
[Low dose aspirin is also advised.]
Slowing the ageing process NutriShield Multi Vitamins and Minerals

Immune system failure
The immune system is critical in defending you against cancer and, if weakened, leaves you vulnerable to contagious threats like flu, colds and super-bugs. Stress and lack of sleep are contributory factors.

Slowing the ageing process NutriShield Multi Vitamins and Minerals Dietary Defence
Nutrients that support the immune system include vitamin D, selenium, zinc, pre-biotic fibre, pro-biotics and, most powerful of all, 1-3, 1-6 beta glucans derived from baker’s yeast .
Slowing the ageing process NutriShield Multi Vitamins and Minerals

Excessive insulin stress
This is caused by a diet that is high in starchy foods and confectionery ie. a high GL (Glycaemic Load) Diet. A high GL Diet raises blood sugar levels and triggers the release of insulin. Over time, this constant triggering of insulin can lead to insulin resistance and excessive sugar levels in the blood.

This in turn can cause a variety of health problems in-cluding Type 2 diabetes. Diabetes raises the risk of heart disease, stroke, blindness, kidney failure and dementia.

Slowing the ageing process NutriShield Multi Vitamins and Minerals Dietary Defence
A low GL diet is the answer – combined with nutrients that reduce stress on the insulin mechanism.Helpful nutrients include pre-biotic fibre, flavonoids, chromium, manganese, and cinnamon.

In summary, diets and nutritional supplements that lower the GL factor and include significant amounts of anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatory nutrients, and immuno-boosters, are healthy and protective . And are the dietary elements that slow ageing.

A balanced diet does not necessarily provide all the nutrients you need, in the amounts you need.
The Recommended Daily Allowances (RDAs) established for certain vitamins and minerals are generally calculated to prevent deficiency diseases – like scurvy and rickets. They were never designed to be optimum levels – to fully support anabolic cell regeneration.

Nevertheless, surveys of the average person’s diet show that we do not even achieve the RDA levels of many key nutrients – never mind optimum levels.

Inadequate diets and declining nutrient contents
Deficiencies occur partly because of inadequate diets and partly because the nutritional value of many foods has declined with changes in farming and seed breeding methods over the last 50 years or so.

Surveys show that most of us do have adequate intakes of some vitamins and minerals – eg vitamin A, niacin, vitamin B12, calcium, magnesium. However, the chart below shows that the status of some of the more important protective nutrients is poor.

Some average intakes below even RDA
Note especially that intakes of vitamin D and selenium, which are both important components of a healthy immune system, are well below the RDA. Note, too, that many nutritionists believe that the current RDAs for vitamin C, D and E need to be increased.

Many important nutrients have no RDA
And many protective nutrients – like lycopene (researched for its role in cancer risk reduction), the heart-healthy omega 3, eye-healthy lutein, and the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory flavonoids, have no current RDA established – although they are widely acknowledged to be important.


Average daily intake

% of RDA

Optimum Level

% of optimum level

Vitamin C

58 mg


500 mg


Vitamin D

2.9 mcg


10 mcg


Vitamin E

9.3 mg


100 mg


Folic Acid

252 mcg


450 mcg



35 mcg


150 mcg



30 mcg


125 mcg



180 mcg


280 mcg


Beta carotene

1.9 mg


7 mg



1.5 mg


6 mg



2.5 mg


5 mg



140 mg


250 mg



5 mg


40 mg


Omega 3

150 mg


600 mg



2 – 3 g


9 – 10 g


Coenzyme Q10

10 mg


30 – 60 mg

17 -33 %




500 mg

Fruit and vegetable portions





Sources: Note 1: Council for Responsible Nutrition and trade sources.
Note 2 : Published in my book Health Defence.

High dose single nutrients can be dangerous – combination is the key
Although the average diet contributes well below the optimum level that many leading researchers have defined, I do not believe in taking high doses of single nutrients, which can be dangerous. Food contains a range of nutrients that combine with each other and work synergistically. It is this combination and synergy which exert the positive effect on health.

In the same way, I believe that a nutritional supplement should combine a full range of the most protective nutrients if it is to have a real impact on health.

Prevention is better than cure
Finally, it is clear that prevention is (much) better than cure. Of course we all want to avoid illness, but the value of prevention is underlined by the fact that pharmaceutical drugs can have serious side effects. Indeed, Adverse Drug Reactions are now a significant cause of death.

The language of pharmaceutical drugs is that of warfare – their role is to fight, oppose, interrupt and kill. And they work well when their target is a simple, single-cause, invading infection – in the way that antibiotics kill bacteria. But today’s health threats are complicated, multiple-cause degenerative diseases. And I believe the best initial defence against this type of disease is to support the body’s own natural capacity to heal and regenerate.



Food and nutrients, at the right levels and in the right combinations, together with regular exercise, adequate sleep and reduced stress, can extend the period during which wear and tear are in balance. And achieving that outcome should cut the risk of disease and slow the ageing process.

Drug Safety
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