High blood pressure – Simple fixes that could save your life

High blood pressure in nearly half of over-50s Nearly HALF of all adults over 50 in the USA have high blood pressure or hypertension. The figure is similar in the UK. And that alarming statistic rises to 70% for those over 70!! And many of those people are undiagnosed. [Ref: Estimated Hypertension Prevalence, Treatment, and … Read more

Is drinking wine good for your health?

Moderate – note MODERATE! – wine consumption does appear to have health benefits – especially red wine. Red, white or pink? That’s because red wine is fermented together with the skin of the grapes, and grape skin contains beneficial compounds called flavonoids. Because its fermentation process includes these grape skins, red wine contains 10 times … Read more

10 ways to lower blood pressure naturally to meet new guidelines

What to do when your blood pressure simply won’t go down Researchers have identified a condition called Resistant Hypertension – high blood pressure that simply doesn’t respond to medical treatment – even when a combination of drugs is used. But a recent study from Johns Hopkins University in America shows that Resistant Hypertension can be … Read more

Betaine for heart health

Anyone interested in heart health should be aware of the little known, but powerful nutrient betaine. Betaine is a vitamin-like nutrient whose name comes from the fact that it was first found (in the 19th century) in sugar beet. Other names for betaine are betaine anhydrous and TMG or trimethylglycine. Research shows that betaine in … Read more

Blood pressure reduction naturally and quickly

Your risk of hypertension – high blood pressure – increases as you get older. Everybody’s does. For one in three people in the UK and USA, that risk turns into actual hypertension and another 25% have pre-hypertension or borderline high blood pressure. So it’s a threat that over half of people need to act on as … Read more