The energising supplement that helps repair DNA

The importance of NR in healthy ageing I think I have failed to explain properly why our new Nicotinamide Riboside plus Apigenin – NR+A is such an important supplement, especially for brain and heart health.  Maybe because the science is quite complicated. Nicotinamide riboside (NR) is a form of Vitamin B3 that can be converted … Read more

Protecting your brain and heart health as you age

A definitive guide Your body’s two inter-connected control centres are your heart and brain. Nothing is more important than protecting them to stay in control and age well – with a high quality of life as you get older. Here we explore the best strategies, supported by very latest scientific evidence, to safeguard your brain … Read more

Drink more water for health

10 reasons to drink more water In a trial in Japan, adults were asked to drink TWO x 550ml (pint) bottles or glasses of water in addition to their normal intake via food and drink. One bottle on rising and one 2 hours before bedtime. It resulted in reduced systolic blood pressure and improved kidney … Read more

Economical foods with big brain benefits

How mackerel can compete with supplement-form phosphatidylserine If you do an internet search for “brain supplements”, one of the top suggestions is a nutrient rejoicing in the name of phosphatidylserine. It isn’t cheap at about £20 for a month’s supply. So what does phosphatidylserine (pronounced fos – fa- tiddle – ser – een) do? And … Read more

Glucosamine anti-ageing not just for joints

How glucosamine has turned into an important supplement to delay ageing Glucosamine has normally been considered as a joint supplement. So, when we formulated NutriShield as an all-round, comprehensive health supplement, we mainly included glucosamine because it is a building block of cartilage that can lead to tissue regeneration (when combined with co-factors vitamins D3 … Read more