You probably don’t drink enough water

10 reasons to drink more water In a trial in Japan, adults were asked to drink TWO x 550ml (pint) bottles or glasses of water in addition to their normal intake via food and drink. One bottle on rising and one 2 hours before bedtime. It resulted in reduced systolic blood pressure and improved kidney … Read more

Stand and deliver – better health

Sitting too long can damage your health Prolonged sitting can increase inflammation and your risk of cardiovascular disease. It slows down your body’s metabolism and raises the threat of obesity. That, in turn, elevates your risk of type 2 diabetes, dementia and cancer. With so many of us having sedentary jobs and working or playing on laptops, tablets … Read more

Why you should be a mitochondriac

Look after your mitochondria for higher energy Energy powers every function in your body – and that energy is generated in your trillions of mitochondria. So supporting mitochondrial health is central to keeping healthy overall – and in combating the decline in cellular energy that becomes an issue by your early 50s. Because it is … Read more

Mushrooms – a health SUPERfood?

‘Medicinal Mushrooms’ Mushrooms have been an important source of drugs for decades. About 80 years ago, Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin, the powerful group of antibiotics derived from the fungus Penicillium. Today, a group of so-called ‘Medicinal Mushrooms’ are gaining a wide interest – due to the increased publication of clinical trials. The Medicinal Mushroom group … Read more