You probably don’t drink enough water

10 reasons to drink more water In a trial in Japan, adults were asked to drink TWO x 550ml (pint) bottles or glasses of water in addition to their normal intake via food and drink. One bottle on rising and one 2 hours before bedtime. It resulted in reduced systolic blood pressure and improved kidney … Read more

Economical foods with big brain benefits

How mackerel can compete with supplement-form phosphatidylserine If you do an internet search for “brain supplements”, one of the top suggestions is a nutrient rejoicing in the name of phosphatidylserine. It isn’t cheap at about £20 for a month’s supply. So what does phosphatidylserine (pronounced fos – fa- tiddle – ser – een) do? And … Read more

Omega 3 fish oil evidence

What’s the balanced view? There is a mass of evidence accumulated over years that Omega 3 fish oil supplements have positive benefits on brain health, on helping reduce inflammation, on eye and joint health and on overall heart health. So when the British Medical Journal (BMJ) published an article Regular use of fish oil supplements … Read more

Mushrooms – a health SUPERfood?

‘Medicinal Mushrooms’ Mushrooms have been an important source of drugs for decades. About 80 years ago, Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin, the powerful group of antibiotics derived from the fungus Penicillium. Today, a group of so-called ‘Medicinal Mushrooms’ are gaining a wide interest – due to the increased publication of clinical trials. The Medicinal Mushroom group … Read more

Top Blue Zone longevity foods are beans

Beans are great healthy foods – and economical Blue Zone residents are people who live in a very specific areas of the world with a far higher proportion of hundred-year-olds than you would expect.  Zones include parts of the Mediterranean, Costa Rica and Okinawa, Japan. The stand-out common denominator in their diet is legumes – … Read more