Economical foods with big brain benefits

How mackerel can compete with supplement-form phosphatidylserine If you do an internet search for “brain supplements”, one of the top suggestions is a nutrient rejoicing in the name of phosphatidylserine. It isn’t cheap at about £20 for a month’s supply. So what does phosphatidylserine (pronounced fos – fa- tiddle – ser – een) do? And … Read more

Omega 3 fish oil evidence

What’s the balanced view? There is a mass of evidence accumulated over years that Omega 3 fish oil supplements have positive benefits on brain health, on helping reduce inflammation, on eye and joint health and on overall heart health. So when the British Medical Journal (BMJ) published an article Regular use of fish oil supplements … Read more

High Omega-3 linked to 5 years longer lifespan

High Omega-3 is linked to 5 years longer lifespan A new study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has found that having higher levels of Omega-3 fatty acids in the blood predicts a lower mortality rate in people over the age of 65 years. And suggests a potential increase in lifespan of up to … Read more

Omega 3 multiple health benefits

The essential fatty acids you can’t get enough of – a definitive guide to Omega 3 DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO OMEGA 3 AT A GLANCE ♦ OMEGA 3 helps reduce blood pressure in hypertensive people ♦ OMEGA 3 is a vital brain nutrient and optimum levels are linked to better mental health and clarity ♦ OMEGA … Read more

How much Omega 3 should I take?

Despite the fact that millions of people take an Omega 3 supplement or cod liver oil, neither the UK nor the USA have an official recommended daily intake (RDA/RNI) for these beneficial polyunsaturated fatty acids. That’s despite the fact that Omega 3 has been linked to reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, reduced risk of depression, … Read more