Protecting your brain and heart health as you age

A definitive guide Your body’s two inter-connected control centres are your heart and brain. Nothing is more important than protecting them to stay in control and age well – with a high quality of life as you get older. Here we explore the best strategies, supported by very latest scientific evidence, to safeguard your brain … Read more

Beetroot nutrient supports heart and brain health and more

Beetroot nutrient betaine for heart, diabetes, depression, Alzheimer’s Beetroot contains a nutrient called betaine. But when Dr Paul Clayton – then Chair of the Forum on Food and Health at the Royal Society of Medicine – first suggested to me that we include betaine in our supplement NutriShield, very few people had heard of it. … Read more

High blood pressure – Simple fixes that could save your life

High blood pressure in nearly half of over-50s Nearly HALF of all adults over 50 in the USA have high blood pressure or hypertension. The figure is similar in the UK. And that alarming statistic rises to 70% for those over 70!! And many of those people are undiagnosed. [Ref: Estimated Hypertension Prevalence, Treatment, and … Read more

Beetroot nutrient betaine supports heart and brain health and more

Beetroot nutrient betaine for heart, diabetes, depression, Alzheimer’s   Colin Rose is a Senior Associate Member of the Royal Society of Medicine, and Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. He is the Founder and Director of Research and Innovation of Uni-Vite Healthcare. His recent book Delay Ageing: Healthy to 100 reveals how to slow ageing … Read more

Plant flavonoids help prevent cancer and heart disease

Study reveals powerful health-protective fruit and vegetable nutrients One obvious way to live healthier for longer is to avoid heart disease and cancer. The Edith Cowan University in Australia just issued an analysis of the diets of more than 53,000 Danish people over a 23-year period. They found that people who regularly ate foods rich … Read more