Nitrate-rich foods reduce blood pressure

Why NO is a big YES NO – Nitric Oxide – is a vital chemical messenger which relaxes otherwise constricted and stiff blood vessels, increasing both oxygen and blood flow. So it’s vital for reducing blood pressure and therefore heart health. Improved blood and oxygen flow is also critical for better brain function as the … Read more

Why you need more vitamin D

You are almost certainly not getting enough vitamin D, according to the latest medical evidence. Along with other health researchers in the field, I am concerned that most people have far too little vitamin D for their best health – especially in the winter. Research shows that Vitamin D at an optimum level has many … Read more

How much Omega 3 should I take?

Despite the fact that millions of people take an Omega 3 supplement or cod liver oil, neither the UK nor the USA have an official recommended daily intake (RDA/RNI) for these beneficial polyunsaturated fatty acids. That’s despite the fact that Omega 3 has been linked to reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, reduced risk of depression, … Read more

The case for optimum Vitamin D

Scientific medical research shows that optimal levels of Vitamin D have the potential to: Reduce the risk of many cancers Lower the risk of dementia Reduce asthma symptoms Reduce the risk of bone fractures … and even increase life span Yet, according to the leading vitamin D researchers, the majority of us have well below … Read more

Betaine for heart health

Anyone interested in heart health should be aware of the little known, but powerful nutrient betaine. Betaine is a vitamin-like nutrient whose name comes from the fact that it was first found (in the 19th century) in sugar beet. Other names for betaine are betaine anhydrous and TMG or trimethylglycine. Research shows that betaine in … Read more