Introduction to Health Defence

In his bestselling book Health Defence, Dr Paul Clayton (a previous President of the Forum on Food and Health at the Royal Society of Medicine) shows that biological ageing is not simply due to the passing of the years. Health Defence is now out of print, but you can read this specially prepared and updated … Read more

Safe and effective arthritis relief

Arthritis is portrayed as a rather simple disease. In fact there are several interlinked causes of arthritis. Once you understand them better, you’ll understand why some food supplements fail and why effective treatment and relief is really possible. It’s not age! The chances of suffering with osteoarthritis may increase with age, but it is clearly … Read more

Why you need more vitamin D

You are almost certainly not getting enough vitamin D, according to the latest medical evidence. Along with other health researchers in the field, I am concerned that most people have far too little vitamin D for their best health – especially in the winter. Research shows that Vitamin D at an optimum level has many … Read more

What are the best all-in-one supplements?

What do you want from an all-in-one vitamin and mineral nutritional health supplement? To make sure you are not deficient in any important vitamin or mineral? A one-a-day A-Z supplement pill at 100% of the RDAs will do that. On the other hand deficiency diseases like scurvy and rickets are rare. Or do you want … Read more

The case for optimum Vitamin D

Scientific medical research shows that optimal levels of Vitamin D have the potential to: Reduce the risk of many cancers Lower the risk of dementia Reduce asthma symptoms Reduce the risk of bone fractures … and even increase life span Yet, according to the leading vitamin D researchers, the majority of us have well below … Read more