The healthiest fats and oils

Coconut oil? Olive oil? Avocado oil? Butter? What’s the healthiest? Here’s the skinny on healthy fats. With such a range of oils and fats in the stores and conflicting advice – often from biased sources – choosing the healthiest is not easy. The 3 main criteria for healthy oil or fat choice are: The ratio … Read more

5 Ways to Live Healthily to 100

Because few people – perhaps only 1 in 10,000 – actually die of ‘old age’ For most, what are (wrongly) called ‘age-related diseases’ will rob them of a full quality of life, years before their time. Illnesses like heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer’s. In his bestselling book Health Defence, Dr Paul Clayton (a … Read more

Make a good diet into a GREAT diet

The big difference between adequate and optimum nutrition Most of the food we eat will adequately support life. But it does not necessarily sustain ideal health. Witness the fact that UK national statistics show the average person will live the last 10 years of their life in ill health and some level of dependency. We … Read more

Introduction to Health Defence

In his bestselling book Health Defence, Dr Paul Clayton (a previous President of the Forum on Food and Health at the Royal Society of Medicine) shows that biological ageing is not simply due to the passing of the years. Health Defence is now out of print, but you can read this specially prepared and updated … Read more

I eat healthily – why do I need a supplement?

Why you need a supplement even if you eat healthily The short answer is that there is a big difference between adequate nutrition and optimum nutrition. Most of the food we eat will adequately support life.  But it does not necessarily sustain ideal health. Witness the latest alarming data (2015) from the UK’s Office for … Read more