5 Ways to Live Healthily to 100

Because few people – perhaps only 1 in 10,000 – actually die of ‘old age’

For most, what are (wrongly) called ‘age-related diseases’ will rob them of a full quality of life, years before their time. Illnesses like heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer’s.

5 Ways to Live Healthily to 100 NutriShield Multi Vitamins and Minerals

In his bestselling book Health Defence, Dr Paul Clayton (a previous President of the Forum on Food and Health at the Royal Society of Medicine) shows that biological ageing is not simply due to the passing of the years. Instead, it’s due to the fact that

  1. Inflammation – the key driver of heart disease, stroke and diabetes – builds up in body tissues
  2. DNA and mitochondria are damaged by free radical action – a cause of cancer and reduced energy levels
  3. Cell regeneration is less efficient – another cause of cancer
  4. The immune system is weaker – leaving you vulnerable to infection
  5. Intestinal (gut) bacteria become less favourable balanced – adversely affecting the immune system and even mood

So achieving a reduction in any of these 5 threats is a way to live healthier for longer

Dr Clayton has spent over 35 years combing through more than 10,000 research studies to identify the foods and nutrients that achieve health protection – ‘health defence‘. And analysing the diets and lifestyle of healthy hundred-year-olds.

5 Ways to Live Healthily to 100 NutriShield Multi Vitamins and Minerals

The 5 ways to live more healthily for longer are therefore related to the right foods and nutrients which:-

  1. Reduce internal inflammation
  2. Help protect DNA and mitochondria from damage
  3. Provide essential building blocks for healthy cells
  4. Boost the immune system
  5. Increase the proportion of good bacteria in the gut

Dr Clayton even identifies which nutrients switch on the genes that lead to better health and can switch off the genes that predispose you to illness – like the oncogenes that can lead to cancer.

Health Defence is referenced in medical training courses, yet written so the lay person can appreciate the huge impact that an optimum diet and lifestyle can have on your health and longevity.

Through the advice in Health Defence, you and your family can enjoy a level of nutrition that will put you in the top 0.1% of healthy diets on the planet.

A printed copy of Health Defence has a cover price of £13.99 – but you can get free access to read it by clicking this link now.


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Dr Paul Clayton designed NutriShield as a comprehensive health5 Ways to Live Healthily to 100 NutriShield Multi Vitamins and Minerals supplement with OPTIMUM levels of essential nutrients. See more detail elsewhere on this site or click on the button.

5 Ways to Live Healthily to 100 NutriShield Multi Vitamins and MineralsDr Paul Clayton’s best-selling book Health Defence is available from most good bookstores.Or read chapters here FREE simply by registering your email address.


See online here for delicious recipes from the Health Defence Cookbook incorporating healthy foods featuring in a Mediterranean Diet. 5 Ways to Live Healthily to 100 NutriShield Multi Vitamins and Minerals