Avoid vision loss after 50

Clinical trials support use of food supplements To realise that you are beginning to lose your sight is a truly frightening experience. A condition called macular degeneration is the leading cause of loss of vision. And because it occurs most often after the age of 60, it’s usually referred to as Age-related Macular Degeneration – … Read more

Blood pressure reduction naturally and quickly

Your risk of hypertension – high blood pressure – increases as you get older. Everybody’s does. For one in three people in the UK and USA, that risk turns into actual hypertension and another 25% have pre-hypertension or borderline high blood pressure. So it’s a threat that over half of people need to act on as … Read more

Extraordinary health effects from curry spice

TURMERIC/CURCUMIN OUTPERFORMS STATINS It’s difficult to refrain from hyperbole when reviewing the natural nutrient curcumin, found in the curry spice turmeric. It may well outperform statins and other arthritis, heart and dementia drugs – all without side effects. Probably the most prestigious database for health researchers is the US National Library of Medicine, Institutes of Health. … Read more

What vitamins should I take?

Dr Paul Clayton Most people consider a vitamin supplement for two reasons. First, to make sure they are not deficient in any important vitamin or mineral. The second reason is to help reduce the risk of long term health problems. Important research shows that achieving the first (preventing deficiency) does not necessarily achieve the second … Read more

Eye health – the role of lutein

Dr Paul Clayton 2002 Paper after paper has confirmed the role of lutein (the carotene in spinach and broccoli) in protecting against macular degeneration, a major cause of loss of vision in the middle-aged and elderly. Now new evidence is coming in that cataract, the other main cause of blindness, can similarly be fought off … Read more