Reaction time is an indicator of brain health

Reaction time is an indicator of brain health NutriShield Multi Vitamins and Minerals

Your diet is a major factor in how fast and well your brain – and reflexes – work. And research tells us which foods and nutrients keep your brain working at peak efficiency.

The reaction time test at the end of this short article estimates your age, based on how fast you reacted in a driving situation.

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Foods and nutrients proven to maintain a healthy brain

  • Reaction time is an indicator of brain health NutriShield Multi Vitamins and MineralsOmega 3 – found in oily fish like salmon and sardines and in fish oil supplements. The nerve cells in your brain and spinal cord are protected by a fatty sheath called myelin. A diet rich in high quality fats like Omega 3 will ensure this myelin covering functions well and signals are transmitted fast and effectively.
  • Reaction time is an indicator of brain health NutriShield Multi Vitamins and MineralsAnti-oxidant rich fruits like blueberries, raspberries, blackcurrants and pomegranates all contain nutrients called polyphenols that help protect the brain from oxidative stress (damaging excess free radical action) in humans.Animal studies show significant improvement in learning capacity and motor skills from a diet rich in blueberries. Green tea extract, grapeseed extract and curcumin are also powerful anti-oxidants and effective anti-inflammatory nutrients. Fortunately dark chocolate is also rich in these protective nutrients!
  • Reaction time is an indicator of brain health NutriShield Multi Vitamins and MineralsAvocados – the fat in avocados has been shown to contribute to healthy blood flow. They are useful as part of a programme to reduce blood pressure – important as hypertension is a risk factor for cognitive decline.
  • Reaction time is an indicator of brain health NutriShield Multi Vitamins and MineralsBeans – the effect here is indirect. The brain uses up to 20% of your whole supply of glucose for energy, but it doesn’t store glucose – so it depends on a reliable stream of glucose. Beans – and wholegrains – help to release glucose energy in a stable way.
  • Reaction time is an indicator of brain health NutriShield Multi Vitamins and MineralsB vitamins and betaine – elevated levels of a compound in the blood called homocysteine are known to be strongly linked to the risk of stroke and cognitive impairment. Vitamins B12, B6 and folic acid – plus an important nutrient called betaine – reduce homocysteine levels. B rich foods include eggs and leafy green vegetables.
  • Reaction time is an indicator of brain health NutriShield Multi Vitamins and MineralsTomatoes – the lycopene in tomatoes has also been shown to counter-act free radical damage in the brain which contributes to the development of dementia and Alzheimer’s.
  • Nuts and seeds – contain vitamin E, fatty acids, magnesium and zinc – all associated with brain health.
  • Reaction time is an indicator of brain health NutriShield Multi Vitamins and MineralsVitamin K2 – many people are low in this important vitamin which is known to be important in proper brain function. A good source of vitamin K is broccoli which is also high in protective compounds called glucosinolates. That’s important because glucosinolates help maintain good levels of the neuro-transmitter acetylcholine in the brain – which is vital for brain processing speed – and low levels of acetylcholine are associated with Alzheimer’s.
  • Reaction time is an indicator of brain health NutriShield Multi Vitamins and MineralsFinally, we know that regular exercise both slows mental ageing and speeds brain reaction time.



Reaction time test from

Now for the fun test.  Here is the link and be sure to SHARE the article and the entertaining test with your friends!


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Dr Paul Clayton designed NutriShield as a comprehensive healthReaction time is an indicator of brain health NutriShield Multi Vitamins and Minerals supplement with OPTIMUM levels of essential nutrients. See more detail elsewhere on this site or click on the button.

Reaction time is an indicator of brain health NutriShield Multi Vitamins and MineralsDr Paul Clayton’s best-selling book Health Defence is available from most good bookstores. See the website for excerpts and links to buy direct from the publisher.

See online here for delicious recipes from the Health Defence Cookbook  incorporating healthy foods featuring in a Mediterranean Diet. Reaction time is an indicator of brain health NutriShield Multi Vitamins and Minerals