Supplement labels – let the buyer beware!

Read labels carefully

I’ve got two top-selling “daily” multi-nutrient nutritional supplements in front of me.


Supplement labels - let the buyer beware! NutriShield Multi Vitamins and MineralsOne announces: ‘Lutein helps maintain healthy eyes’. That’s true, it does. And it’s a “health claim” permitted to be reproduced on a food label.

But when I check the level, it says:

Lutein: 250 µg

Now µg stands for microgram (the other abbreviation is mcg). So that means there are 250 micrograms of lutein in their formula.

We have examined hundreds of research papers on lutein.

The conclusion is that the level of lutein needed to protect eye health is at least 6 mg or 6 milligrams a day.

There are 1,000 mcg in 1 mg.

So the optimum level is indicated as 6,000 mcg.

That’s what we put in NutriShield Premium

So the brand offering 250 mcg has 40 times LESS than research indicates is an optimum daily amount. And 40 times less than the level in NutriShield Premium.


Supplement labels - let the buyer beware! NutriShield Multi Vitamins and MineralsThe other brand is designed for women over 50, with a separate version for men over 50.

They both contain 2 mg of Co-Q10.

Co-Q10  or Co-enzyme Q10 is a valuable ‘heart healthy’ nutrient – it is a powerful anti-oxidant that supports energy production in the mitochondria.

Levels do decline with age, so a supplement makes sense.

But research indicates that you need at least 30 mg of Co-Q10 to get a health effect.

That’s what we put in NutriShield Premium.

And what they DON’T include at all …

Neither brand includes Omega 3, nor curcumin, nor lycopene.

Now lutein, lycopene and curcumin are expensive ingredients but with extensive evidence for health protective effects. And Omega 3 needs to be put in a separate capsule at a level of 1,000mg a day.

All that costs money. But I believe that supplements must be driven by science, not what looks good on a pack.

NutriShield Premium DOES include 43 nutrients at optimum levels

Supplement labels - let the buyer beware! NutriShield Multi Vitamins and MineralsNutrishield is not formulated to a price. It’s formulated to include optimum levels of the most protective nutrients as identified from 35 years of peer reviewed research.

Those nutrients includes Omega 3, lycopene, lutein, green tea extract, grapeseed extract, vitamin D3, betaine, genistein, vitamin K and much more. Plus a full range of vitamins and minerals at optimum (not just the minimum RDA) levels.

You can see what the less familiar nutrients do here.

In all we include 43 nutrients at what we believe are truly effective levels. They are concentrated into 6 separate capsules a day packed into in a tear-open sachet.

It costs more than most supplements (although a lot less than if you bought the nutrients separately).

P.S.  I apologise for the ‘salesy’ tone of this article!

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Dr Paul Clayton designed NutriShield as a comprehensive healthSupplement labels - let the buyer beware! NutriShield Multi Vitamins and Minerals supplement with OPTIMUM levels of essential nutrients. See more detail elsewhere on this site or click on the button.

Supplement labels - let the buyer beware! NutriShield Multi Vitamins and MineralsDr Paul Clayton’s best-selling book Health Defence is available from most good bookstores.

See the website for excerpts and links to buy direct from the publisher.

See online here for delicious recipes from the Health Defence Cookbook  incorporating healthy foods featuring in a Mediterranean Diet. Supplement labels - let the buyer beware! NutriShield Multi Vitamins and Minerals