Women spend 19 years of their life in poor health

Women spend 19 years of their life in poor health NutriShield Multi Vitamins and MineralsThis Times (UK) headline on November 30th 2016 is a stark warning. According to the Office for National Statistics, men can now expect 16 years of poor health in their life – and women as many as 19 years.

I believe that just living longer is not most people’s real aim. What we seek is extended years with a good quality of life.

How to achieve healthy longevity is spelled out in the best-selling book Health Defence – and you can now read every chapter for free.

Women spend 19 years of their life in poor health NutriShield Multi Vitamins and MineralsIt’s written by Dr Paul Clayton former Chair of the Forum on Health at the Royal Society of Medicine.

Dr Clayton has spent 40 years identifying why some people stay fit and healthy – while others succumb to a fading quality of life. His findings are spelt out in Health Defence.

It’s all about preventing the illnesses that rob so many people of their health, years before their time. About the sort of simple, preventative action that you can take.

Health Defence is a book that health experts have welcomed:

“.. a must for everyone … it will educate and inspire.” says ‘What Medicine?’ Magazine.

“A truly outstanding and revolutionary book” says Professor David Richardson, University of Newcastle.

Of course most of us are living longer, but if those extra years are not disability-free, the result for so many is not the happy active retirement they worked for and planned.

The Times’s disturbing headline comes at a time when it is increasingly clear that the NHS is already having to ration healthcare.  Budgets are under huge pressure, which will only get worse as our society ages.

The cost of some drugs, which may only deliver a few months of extra life, soars into the tens of thousands. And it’s a time when the average cost of a care home is now £28,500 a year.  So the case to take personal action is economic too.

Fortunately Health Defence is a very optimistic book. It has chapters on how you can radically cut the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes. On how to create an environment in your body that is hostile to cancer.  On how to defend yourself against Alzheimer’s. Even on how the right nutrients can ‘switch on’ health protective genes and ‘switch off’ health threatening ones.

If there was ever a moment when taking action to achieve long term health was most needed it is surely now.

You can read each and every chapter of Health Defence here on this website for free with this link:


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Dr Paul Clayton designed NutriShield as a comprehensive healthWomen spend 19 years of their life in poor health NutriShield Multi Vitamins and Minerals supplement with OPTIMUM levels of essential nutrients. See more detail elsewhere on this site or click on the button.

Women spend 19 years of their life in poor health NutriShield Multi Vitamins and MineralsDr Paul Clayton’s best-selling book Health Defence is available from most good bookstores.

See the website www.healthdefence.com for excerpts and links to buy direct from the publisher.

See online here for delicious recipes from the Health Defence Cookbook  incorporating healthy foods featuring in a Mediterranean Diet. Women spend 19 years of their life in poor health NutriShield Multi Vitamins and Minerals