10 top cancer-protective foods

fruit and vegetables

10 Top Cancer-Protective Foods Cancer is rightly the most feared disease. Yes, there have been advances in early diagnosis, but once cancer is established, so many of even the modern drugs do little more than extend life by months. So risk reduction and prevention should be top of everyone’s priorities. Keeping active is crucial. So … Read more

Plant flavonoids help prevent cancer and heart disease

Study reveals powerful health-protective fruit and vegetable nutrients One obvious way to live healthier for longer is to avoid heart disease and cancer. The Edith Cowan University in Australia just issued an analysis of the diets of more than 53,000 Danish people over a 23-year period. They found that people who regularly ate foods rich … Read more

How Vitamin D cuts the risk of cancer

Health Benefits of Vitamin D As you’ll know, the NHS recommends that we all supplement with vitamin D – specifically vitamin D3 – in the winter to help boost our immune system against colds and flu. But there is another very important reason to take extra vitamin D. Vitamin D is a vital factor in … Read more

Soy anti-cancer, good for menopause, heart and bone health

DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO SOY AT A GLANCE ♦ SOY and its isoflavones are linked to lower breast cancer risk ♦ SOY and its isoflavones can reduce negative symptoms experienced during the menopause and help alleviate PMS symptoms for younger women ♦ SOY and its isoflavones can help lower blood pressure and improve heart health ♦ … Read more

Green tea definitive guide to super antioxidant

green tea

DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO GREEN TEA AT A GLANCE ♦ GREEN TEA can help cut the risk of cancer ♦ GREEN TEA can lower blood pressure – and hence the risk of heart attack and stroke ♦ GREEN TEA can help reduce LDL (the dangerous form of) cholesterol and increase HDL – the beneficial form ♦ … Read more