Omega 3 fish oil evidence

What’s the balanced view? There is a mass of evidence accumulated over years that Omega 3 fish oil supplements have positive benefits on brain health, on helping reduce inflammation, on eye and joint health and on overall heart health. So when the British Medical Journal (BMJ) published an article Regular use of fish oil supplements … Read more

Beneficial diet changes after menopause

Older women can improve health with simple diet changes Women lose up to 10% of their bone mass after the menopause due to declining oestrogen levels. The same hormone decline means calories are burned less efficiently and it’s very easy to gain weight. In addition, without action, there’s an increased risk of future age-related illness … Read more

You need to be proactive to slow ageing

As we age, cell damage increases while protective function declines From the age of about 50, most people experience a decline in immune function, DNA repair ability, cellular energy and the hormones testosterone and oestrogen over time. As all these decline, cell damage increases in parallel. If we superimpose the rise of diseases like cardiovascular … Read more